Shot Online

Buy Shot Online Credits

Choose Game Credits to buy

10,000 Campus Credits 140,000 CC 0 CC
5,000 Campus Credits 70,000 CC 0 CC
3,000 Campus Credits 42,000 CC 0 CC
2,000 Campus Credits 28,000 CC 0 CC
1,000 Campus Credits 14,000 CC 0 CC
Total : 0 CC

Your Purchase Summary

Balance After Purchase
Purchase Total CC
Current CC Balance 0 CC

How to Redeem

  1.  1. Tick the reCAPTCHA and login to your Cherry Account
  2.  2. Click on "SHOP" in the drop down menu on the left
  3.  3. Click on "more" to display more games
  4.  4. Select "Shot Online"
  5.  5. Select value of Campus Credits, tick the T & C and Privacy Policy, and click "NEXT" to proceed
  6.  6. Input your 6-digit Security PIN to confirm the redemption
  7.  7. Go to your Cherry Messenger and click on the redemption message
  8.  8. Access the message in Cherry Messenger for the e-PIN redeemed
  9.  9. Remember the e-PIN redeemed, it is display as ePIN Serial Number in blue
  10.  10. Login to Shot Online’s Official Website on the left of the page
  11.  11. Click on "Purchase CC" under "ADD CC" in the top menu
  12.  12. Select "Cherry Credits" on the left menu as the preferred payment method and enter the ePIN Serial Number into the "E-PIN" box to get your Campus Credits 


Arguably more than any other sport, golf requires focus and mental stamina, and so does Shot-Online, which is a reproduction of the full experience and game of golf in full, rich 3D graphics.

Shot-Online is not just an online sports game either, but it is a highly accurate simulation and a deep role-playing experience. It is the RPG quality that makes Shot-Online the unique game it is, especially with the community interaction and the enhancement and leveling of your character. Speaking of community and role-playing, Shot-Online offers both realistic and rare items drawn from the celebrated history of golf. Practicing every day, competing against players with different skills, allows the gamer to advance their characters abilities. Quests and item exchanging and more add to the community feel.

Shot-Online is more than a sports game, more than a simulation, and more than an RPG. Like golf itself, it is an intelligent and unique game that is more than the sum of its parts.

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Unique kind of golf game

  • RPG-based full 3D sports simulation hybrid game
  • Character leveling through training in-game
  • Team competitions offered for earning game currency
  • Item exchanging and quests, and other community events outside the game
  • Periodic competitions and tournaments are supported
  • Gallery mode for reviewing great shot and more
  • Extensive chat support offered, to enhance community interaction.

Realism makes true simulation possible

  • Proprietary physics engine, which translates into a realistic golf course interaction and overall game play.
  • Ball movement is accurately affected by ground conditions, physical dynamics and environmental factors, such as the wind,
  • weather and temperature
  • Motion capture of real swing taken from a Korean PGA golfer